
Toronto Office

61 Glenashton Drive
Oakville, ON, Canada
L6H 7A1

Call Us

We are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm ET.

Are you an Influencer?

If you have a public Instagram profile with more than 1000 followers, you can join Peersway! Just make sure that you fulfill the below prerequisites before creating an account.


  • Instagram Business Account with minimum 1000 followers
  • Facebook Page connected with your Instagram Account

Get in touch!

Fill out the form and someone from our team will contact you within 48 hours.

  • 0 of 5000 max characters
  • Calculate twelve plus six.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Peersway respects your privacy, and promises to never to share, trade, sell, or publicize your email address.